Can We Dress Ourselves "Happy"?

May 15, 2022

Can we dress ourselves happy, or is dressing up just a superficial way of trying to pretend something or someone we are not?


There is a saying that you never get a second chance to make a first impression.


Knowing how to dress and empower yourself will help you make that bad-ass first impression, and if it is only and foremost on yourself. Lifting yourself on the outside is like setting the tone for the work you create on the inside.


The way we take care of ourselves reflects what we think of our current selves.


How we dress can significantly impact how we feel during our day. It’s like knowing the secret sauce to decide how we want to feel on purpose.


The way we take care of ourselves sets the tone for our lives.


Colorful, bright, and fun outfits will underline your personality. While trying to build a personal brand, a unique way of standing out helps your clients to connect with you.


Mixing patterns, choosing a more colorful wardrobe, and having fun with how you perceive yourself is like playing with your future self-identity.


It isn´t pretending but a smart way to help yourself to create who you are—an intelligent way to create possibilities for your life.


Think of power dressing as one of the easiest ways to not only uplift your mood but also uplevel your thinking;


What do you stand for? What is the energy you want to step into throughout your day?


What colors do you secretly like but think would never look good on you? What is the one style you always wanted to try?


What is the one item you could add to your style to make you more recognizable?


What is the one thing you could add to your wardrobe that would make you feel truer to yourself?


Happiness comes from being genuinely aligned with your values and growing into the best version of yourself. Hiding in clothes that keep you safe by being average, trying not to stand out, and not doing anything wrong isn´t an option.


Dress happy; dress yourself to empower yourself to become the most colorful, fun, and daring version of yourself!


Let´s play!


This post was created in a collaboration with @style.and.allure.



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